Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So, I'm going through Beth Moore's Bible study called "Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman." This week, the theme is "It's tough being a woman in a mean world," and oh is that so true! I was doing my devotion a few days ago, and one particular thing stuck out to me. I don't have the exact words she used, but it was something to the nature of how satan attacks us a lot of times by our thoughs. He puts things in our heads, makes us worry, or whatever about things.....she pinpointed that and said that it is called "psychological warfare"! I found this to be very true this week as I am made more aware of my thoughts and where they come from.

Psalm 132 says "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts?"

Psam 55:2 says "My thoughs trouble me and I am distraught."

Psalm 94:11 says "The Lord knows the thoughts of man, and he knows that they are futile."

Could you tell David struggled with his thoughts?????

Psalm 139:2 says that "you (God) perceive my thoughts from afar"

Proverbs 15:26 says "The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked..."

Matthew 12:25 says "Jesus knew their thoughts..."

Those are proof that the Lord knows even our thoughts....more reason to keep a pure heart and mind!

I would like to rest on this next scripture....meditate on it, take it in! It's one of my favorites!

Isaiah 55:8-9

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts"

1 comment:

Crystal Odom said...

I'm glad that you posted this. I definately worry all the time about things that I cannot change. The scripture reminded me that I'm not on my own and that I can always take it to God because he already knows.