Sunday, September 20, 2009

Walmart Drive

Just a quick post on what the Lord taught me today. You may think what I'm about to say is absolutely crazy, but that's ok. It was a huge revelation for myself, and I know will continue to be a learning experience for me as He continues to speak.

I was driving home from Walmart, admiring the sunset after ANOTHER afternoon shower. One of the shapes I saw looked like a demon or something stretched out toward the earth, and so that made me start thinking about the spiritual warfare we are constantly invovled in here on earth. Well, that lead to another thought of "Man, I really need to spend some time in the Word tonight" which lead to another thought of "Yeah, I need to do that so I can be an example to those around me." Well THAT was where He stepped it. He told me that I needed to spend time with Him and fall in love with him for the simple fact that He loves me, and I want to get to know Him better.....not for the reason of being an example for others or for others to see that I'm some great "woman of God" (which I'm far from).
So there it was.....CONVICTION! I don't think I have ever in my entire life done something for the reason of Glorifying God alone-even if nobody else was watching. Have you?
I think I've always been so concerned about helping others and being a Godly Example to others that I've neglected to do things just for God....for Him and nobody else.

"So whether you eat or drink or whaever you do, do it ALL for the GLORY of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31

So now the real journey begins....putting it into practice!

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