Saturday, February 26, 2011


Alright, ladies, I just set up my Mary Kay website!

Click HERE to view it and to begin ordering your products NOW!!
I haven't set up for credit cards to be accepted yet, but that should happen within the next week.

Here are some things I would recommend if you've never used Mary Kay products...

1. The Miracle Set (cleanser/ moisturizer + night/day creams)
2. The Satin Hands set
3. Microdermabrasion (AMAZING for your face....clears up blemishes and evens skin tone!)

My Debut has been set for 3/19th at 3pm at my mom's place. Email me (you can do that through my website) if you have any questions!

Monday, February 21, 2011

New endeavor

As of TODAY I am officially a Mary Kay Consultant!!!!!!!! Well, I think it's official....

I have to start selling products of course, so be expecting me to ask you to borrow your face to practice!! =)

This was sort of a random decision for me, but I couldn't be more excited. I have actually been thinking for a while about how I need to start selling something in order to bring in some extra cash.
A lady from our small group at church borrowed my face and did a facial last night using her products, and we talked about me selling....

So I talked with Michael- his exact words were "Go for it!" and so here I am!!

I'm a bit overwhelmed right now, as I have NEVER EVER done anything like this, and I feel like there is so much to be done in order to get started! I'll attend my 1st meeting Thursday night and meet all the ladies in my unit.

But first things first- I get to have a Business Debut! PLEASE let me know if you are interested and want to buy Mary Kay from me and attend my Debut!!! I'm in the process of figuring out location and date, so I'll get back with you guys on that.

For family and close're already invited and you'd better be there!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

love song

This Song is for Thehubs.....

Even though he rarely reads my blog, maybe I can convince him to check this post out. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sacred Echos

I posted THIS blog as well as THIS blog a few weeks ago, as I had gotten a package in the mail from "The Voice of the Martyrs".

I thought it was odd that I received the package as I had really never heard of the organization....I just assumed that it was one of those things that was sent out to people in our area or something.

The book "Tortured for Christ" was in it....I read the book, and was extremely touched and learned so much about true genuine love.

Last week (1/31/11) I watched "19 Kids & Counting" which I really NEVER watch. This particular episode just happened to be called "Donating Duggars" and they went to Oklahoma to work with The voice of the Martyrs organization to help make parachutes to be used to provide bibles and other supplies for persecuted Cambodians.

Today (2/8/11) I received ANOTHER package from this organization.....

What was it?? Well let me just tell you....

Included was a small magazine with various stories and articles. A poster was also included, which stated the following.

Flying only a few hundred feet off the ground, Russell opens the window of his Cessna aircraft and carefully drops a parachute over a guerrilla camp. In a bag suspended from the parachute are a Bible and other Christian materials, sometimes including a shortwave radio pre-tuned to two Christian stations that broadcast the Word of God.
"I've been shot at a few times," Russell says, "and one of my aircraft had multiple bullet holes in it."
The danger is real, but Russell (a co-worker with The Voice of Martyrs) and his team are committed to delivering the Word of God where there is no conventional means of delivery. Being on the ground would be even more dangerous.
"I have seen many guerrillas turn from their violent ways after reading the Bible and listening to our radio broadcasts," Russell explains, "If we want peace in Colombia, we have to point people, even terrorists, to the true source of peace and forgiveness."
Now you can join The Voice of Martyrs in providing more parachutes for Russell and his team. When you order these ready-to-assemble Colombia Parachute Packs, you will receive everything you need (cloth, ribbon, glue, plastic bags for Bibles, and instructions) to assemble parachutes to be dropped over dangerous areas of Columbia. All you need is a pair of scissors and a willing heart!

It goes on to explain how to order them....

Ok, God, what's going on here?? Are you whispering SACRED ECHOS into my heart....into OUR hearts? The women's retreat I went on last weekend was about how he whispers echos in our lives, and we were encouraged to look for echos.

I just shared this with Thehubs, and he shared with me that he has been praying for ways to serve....I think God is answering prayers....while echoing His plans in our lives. :)

Isn't he Amazing!?!?!?!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lonely places

Luke 5:15-16
"Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. "

If our Lord and Savior had to "often" get away to "lonely places" from the hustle and bustle of his busy life to pray, how much more should we?? We NEED lonely places....we NEED prayer!

Just something to think about...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well....I just "deactivated" my facebook account. Many have asked why...

Several months ago I started getting convicted about the use of my time. My daily schedule is usually as follows:

wake up
go to bathroom
check facebook
eat breakfast (while on facebook)
read Bible
check facebook
get dressed for work
check facebook
come home
check facebook
eat supper (while on facebook)
remain on facebook until bedtime..

and YES it was that bad...

Thankfull I didn't have it on my phone. One- bc I'm cheap and didn't want to pay the extra $30 for internet. Two- I knew it would only make things worse.

So therefore, after much discussion with God and trying to quite or cut back on my own...I've given in and said ENOUGH!!

The hard part now is to fulfill my time with more productive things to glorify God....not to just find other websites and TV shows to waste my time on.
My goal is to dig in with a Bible Study...journal a lot more about what God is teaching me...and to be a better wife (which includes a variety of things).

I'll still be long as that doesn't rule my life as well. And I'll of course have my email.
It feels like of here's to night 1 of being free! lol