Thursday, August 15, 2013


TheHubs said something today that I have seriously never heard him say. And I'm still not exactly sure how I feel about it.

While in the car together, kids in tow and headed to the zoo, he looks at me and tells me I look "old". After I gave him a rather weird look, he back-tracked a bit and said that I look "old-ER" and eventually changed it to "more mature". 

Excuse me???

I'm pretty sure he was trying to be sweet about it all, but his vomiting of the mouth didn't quite come out the way he had planned. At least that's what I'm pretending. He did say the words "sexy" and "beautiful" somewhere in there too, so that makes things a little better. 

I mean, I'll admit, I'm not the young thang I was 6+ years ago when we started dating...but I've never really thought of  myself as "maturing" or looking "older". 

My response was, "Thanks, I guess that's what having 2 kids the past 2 years will do to ya." 

Haha...I blame everything on child birth. Ev-er-y-thing. 

So just for funs, here's some pics I found. One from June 2007- (a few days after our 1st date) and the other from earlier this summer.  I guess I have "matured" a bit. ;)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Well here's my 2 cents. You are still quite beautiful. I have no idea what your husband means, but aside from the 6+ years difference, you look the same to me :)
Love you!