Friday, June 25, 2010

Ol' Dave

In case you were wondering, I thought I would give a quick update on THIS post.

The menu did not go exactly as planned.

Due to us going to Dave Ramsey and trying to get out of debt, my lovely husband decided that we could cut back expenses by me stop cooking such "fancy" meals. Ha ha now when I buy groceries, I get the basics: milk, cereal, bread, lunch meat, salad stuff, and diet coke.

That has been the menu for pretty much the entire month of June! And I must say- we have probably saved about $100- 150 on groceries. I don't really have proof of that, but instead of spending $100+ per week, we're only spending about $50-60.

My goal is to do the really really strict budget thing for the month of July and keep every. single. receipt. so we can see exactly what we spend our money on!

So pb&j, scrambled egg and, turkey sandwiches are pretty much what's on the menu for July! lol

But hopefully if we can stick to this, we can be completely out of debt within a year and a half, and then save to buy a house and have kids!
ha ha ha....yeah, I kinda-sorta have every detail of my life mapped out!

1 comment:

SC said...

Hey Heather! I facebook stalked your page and found your blog :D

One cheap'n'easy thing to cook to mix it up is chicken breast and spaghetti noodles. I saute mushrooms and spinach too and mix it all with some soy sauce. I can make one chicken breast spread for me and Justin. Good luck with the budget stuff - it's hard but totally worth it! I've been in that same boat for a bit :) and Coupons! Kroger has coupons you can print and use anywhere.