Saturday, July 17, 2010

Filipino church

Here's an entry from my Savannah journal as I promised. First I feel like background info is needed.

I, along with 2 other girls my age, stayed at a Filipino church's parsonage located right behind the church. They sorta helped in taking care of us throughout our 6 weeks of serving at The Savannah Baptist Center. Various churches came throughout the summer to do VBS, sports camps and other activities with the children. We helped the teams with whatever was needed.

Ok, so here goes....

June 27, 10007

"About Church at the International Bible Christian Fellowship"

Sunday morning (6/24) we went to IBCF for the 1st time. The service started at 10:45am and lasted until 1:00pm!! I loved it! They had contemporary worship, which was just cd's and some women singing along at the front. After some worship, they had prayer time. First, they sat all the children down at the front and prayed over them before they went to children's church. Then, they spent a while doing prayer requests and then Brother Jesse (the preacher) did a guided prayer. Nobody was worried about the time-they just were happy to be in the house of the Lord! The rest of the service was pretty much normal. We sng a few moer songs, then Bro. Jesse preached. I think the only other different thing was that they did a devotion before they took up the offering and they all read the scripture verses aloud and together.
After church, they always have a lunch and EVERYBODY stays!
This Sunday, the ladies from the church came over for a baby shower. This kind of baby shower is what I want not only for my baby, but also for my wedding! After doing an introduction get-to-know-you game and a baby game, we prayed for her and some people just gave her an encouraging word. We then gathered around her and laid hands and prayed for her and her baby boy. I just thought that was amazing how even during something like that, they were still putting God 1st! WOW!

More to come later on a precious little girl that touched my life!

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